Geysir Enterprise Search - Benefits:
- More efficient organization, less time consumed searching documents / information across various software systems / applications
- Capitalizing on information investment - company's documents are an investment that should be used efficiently
- More business opportunities used - company's capacity to respond to business opportunities is directly linked to capacity / efficiency of search / data reuse
- More efficient use of employee's expertise - helps any organization to know who has what expertise and minimize risks due to personel turnover
- Accomodate new staff faster - they can find faster, without interrupting existing employees, information they need to know
- Real help in any merger / acquisition scenario - helps acquired company's staff to find information they look for inside new employer's knowledge base.
- Mobile workers can have better access to information
- Every employee is more efficient and workplace stress is reduced
- Reduces company's operational costs and increases employee's productivity
- Helps in taking decisions faster, better informed
- Your customers will be more satisfied with the high quality and the speed of your support
- Effective Data Governance, data access traceability and security
Hekla Document Management System Module - Benefits:
- Automate your operations, like: data archiving, marketing, sales, offer-making, contracting, invoicing, billing, incident management, etc
- Automate your internal business processes adding as many modules are needed for automation, management and control
- Model easy and fast any organizational structure, workflows, data-access policy
- Superior search experience to any classical DMS systems - tight integration with Geysir Enterprise Search powerful search capacity
- Better knowledge management, faster search
- Increased document security and control
- Better version control - know exactly when, who, what changes added to any document
- No more emails - email information is not structured, difficult to manage, often data loss occurs
- Better collaboration & Email Alerts helps reactivity and team-work
- Regulatory-compliant data backups and less data-losses
- Fully compliant to Romanian National Archives Act (16/1996) & Electronic Archiving Act (135/2007)
- Lowers archiving & archive operating costs
- Better data access security and traceability
Hekla CRM & Customer Support Modules - Benefits:
- Hekla CRM help you grow your sales, lead-generation volume and customer retention
- Manage your clients, associated events, automate offer-making, contracting, invoicing & customer support
- Manage your marketing campaigns, newsletters & events
- Evaluate easier your sales workforce productivity
- Overview of sales progress - allows you to asses quickly any deal status/progress
- Superior search experience to any classical CRM systems - tight integration with Geysir Enterprise Search powerful search capacity
- Faster contact creation - allows automatic OCR / import of Visit Cards and automatic contact creation from Thunderbird email client UI
- You have a high degree of information reuse through data/reports filters, shortcuts and integration with other applications
- You have increased security, fine data-access tuning
- Automate any client-related business-operations, fast
- Possibility to receive customizations to your specific business operations/processes
Laki Extranet - Benefits:
- Better communication platform with your customers, easy send/receive documents, newsletter updates, automate offer requests from your suppliers
- Superior search experience to any classical Extranet systems - tight integration with Geysir Enterprise Search powerful search capacity
- Build customer loyalty, faster, better support
- Real-time communication using chat functions or file-sharing features
- Automatic Chart creation from any CSV files - clients may visualize any reports you publish for them (reports, accounting balance sheets, etc)
- Eliminate email communication problems: SPAM, lack of traceability, data loss and backup issues
- Low hosting / licensing costs - can be hosted in any Linux / Ubuntu Server
- Eliminate communication errors, faster response time and information delivery, flexibility and control
- Differentiate your company's support by allowing your customers / suppliers access to a modern communication platform
- Allows your data-entry operators to be more efficient by using OCR / automated parsing / structured data extraction from image files